Available variants:


COMPACTA decorative

Anlagen für die dekorativer Oberflächenbeschichtung


Rack or drum systems for the decorative
and technical application area (jewelry,
wafers, electrical components) with pre-cleaning
(ultrasound, degreasing, pickling, etc.) and electrochemical active tanks (Au, Rh, Pd, Pt, etc.),
Multi-rinse technology, integrated dryer, exhaust air, waste water technology and metal recovery.

Precious metal coating of decorative surfaces

Precious metals


COMPACTA functional

Systems for functional surface coating


Customized electroplating systems for chemical and electrochemical process sequences with pre-cleaning (e.g. ultrasonic,
degreasing, pickling), active tanks (copper, nickel, zinc, tin, etc.) and multiple rinsing technology. Filtration and recovery of metals
from rinsing water via filter units and ion exchangers.

Coating of functional surfaces

Non-precious metals
Technical data

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Tanja Lemmen

Marketing & Sales